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Saturday, March 30, 2013

In our area, it's going to be a perfect weekend for raking and picking up sticks. It's going to be around 70 degrees--idyllic weather no matter who you are. But we do have to wait until April 15th to put anything new in the ground. So much has to take place before then, that it's the perfect amount of time to wait and gives us the time we need to fix fences, clean out beds, pull up old barrier cloth that is clogged with fescue grass, cut down dead trees and clean out a poison ivy patch. I forgot to mention that we'll just have two days of this precious waiting time because it's going to snow Monday.  Oh well, as they say.

In the studio, I'll do a little organizing and I'll do the same on my Etsy site. I'll bring some Spring-y looking things to my front pages and move some darker things to the back pages. Although, this is probably fruitless because people wear some of the dark colors year round.  Who could go too long
without wearing some smoky quartz?
I'll reassess my prices and shipping costs and try to decide whether to take some time off from making new things or just keep plugging away.  It's hard to stay away from the work table too long.  And I'll spend more time looking at the Etsy shops of those who've favorite-d my jewelry.  There are so many gifted people on Etsy.  It makes me swoon!  Check it out!

Ethnic Series Bracelets

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