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Monday, December 1, 2014

I've been so naughty, Santa may be forced to give me a lump of coal!

I couldn't believe it when I looked at this blog. I knew I'd been somewhat lax about adding to it. I won't sugarcoat it, it's a real chore. The writing part is easy, but wrangling all the objects that never go where you want them to is hard and can be disappointing. Ba ha...oh, well!

So, I've been bad, true, but it's very hard being a one woman show--designing the banner, trying to say things that will turn people on to your style, making the jewelry, putting a lot of passion, hopes and love into it. Then there's photographing it, editing it, making a listing for it, posting it in several places, keeping up with it and on and on--including the social media with your business page.

I know--I'm good at excuses. Well, here's a good one! I have a dog--more like a beloved fur ball--my baby--very smart--she can talk! But the point is this--she really takes a huge amount of time.  She must get 6 meals a day, and probably 10 or more belly rubs, rib tickles and neck rubs and back rubs, foot massages and scalp massages. She's diabetic, so my patience for this is unlimited, but I do run out of working time and end up burning the candle at both ends and I'm beginning to look like a Zombie.  Other than that, things are normal, I guess.

Now you've heard my excuses. So I guess this could happen again. Maybe not a 2 year gap, but I expect there will be gaps. So, if you're at all interested in keeping up with my shop activities please check out my Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/meretrinkets.  I try not to bring up personal things on my biz page, but I keep breaking that rule.  In any case, I hope you'll give me a "like" while you're there--that is--if you show up.

And, of course, I'd love it if you'd check out my Etsy shop:  Mere Trinkets! That url is: https://etsy.com/shop/meretrinkets  and I'd love it if you'd "like" that page too.

Now I feel guilty, especially since my status with Santa equals a big fat lump of coal. So let's keep him out of it for now.  There is a part of me that anyone knows if they know me well--she's "Minnie." She knows what she wants. Let's just keep her on the down-low, too. The real "me" isn't greedy at all. But, where business is concerned, Minnie may sneak in there somewhere.  Well, she likes the "likes"--they make her happy and if I can stand sharing any of her values this would be it--I guess I like them, too! But don't feel any pressure, whatsoever. (Big smile!)

I hope you have a great holiday--Christmas, Kwanza, the Jewish holiday that confuses me when it comes to spelling it...you know what I mean--it sounds like, "Hanukah," but has a "C" in it somewhere. And, in case, you're wondering, that's not a politically incorrect statement. We're talking holidays--not politics!

Well, hugs and kisses then--be safe wherever you go and remember to be grateful for every little thing you have--most especially your family and friends!


  1. You are so funny! You are beautiful and have never once reminded me of a zombie. Love your work and your photography talents. I believe Happy Chrismikka covers it!

    1. Jennifer, it's December 8th and I'm just seeing this. Here I am in Zombieland at 4:53am, just about have everything done--I must be the world's slowest person then! LOL You are truly fun!!! Thank you and I think you're right--always!!! Happy Chrismikka does cover it!
